Keep Well Programmes

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CYCLE RIGHT is the National Standard for Cycle Training and provides practical cycle safety and skills training to promote competent and confident cyclists. CYCLE RIGHT is an inclusive programme CYCLE RIGHT is produced and supported by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, the Road Safety Authority and Cycling Ireland, with input from central and local agencies and other groups.

For further...

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To support preschool children in learning how to cycle TSP in partnership with Tipperary Childcare Committee have developed a video tutorial resource and inclusive printed resources to support preschools in delivering the Wibbly Wobbly Balance Bike programme to all children. These resources will be very beneficial in encouraging children to enjoy cycling at an early age while also promoting being active. See printed...

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Orienteering is the sport of navigation that requires you to find your way from one point to another using only a map, your brains and sometimes a compass. It’s easy to learn and a fun way to exercise your body and mind, as you enjoy the outdoors. It’s a sport for everyone and is something that can be easily learnt by people of all ages and abilities.

Orienteering is usually done in the woods, hills or parks,...

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Tipperary Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who have come together to roll-out a 4-week physical activity plan for older adults. This resource has been developed by Sport Ireland and a working group of LSP Community Sport Development Officers in conjunction with Age & Opportunity. The resource will support people to try and reach the minimum of 30 minutes of daily physical...

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For informaiton on Walking Trails, why not check out
There are 230 Coillte walking trails or why not explore Waterway Ireland's network of multi-activity recreational trails, based on or alongside idyllic lakes, canals and rivers in Ireland.
You can search by County.

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Check out Get Ireland Walkings' Tips and Advice for Happy Walkers

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The aim of Movement Minutes is to incorporate physical activity into the day,
Join Age & Opportunity live on their Facebook page every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 11am -

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This is an eight week series of tutorial videos on the technique in performing a number of strength exercises.
Please see link below to 8 exercise techniques which can be used by anyone who wishes to try any of the exercises at home. These exercises can be put together to form part of a Home Exercise Circuit Routine
Each exercise is performed for 40 seconds with a 20 second break between each exercise....

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Your Personal Best Month is for all men over 45 – it doesn’t matter how old and regardless of background or fitness. This is the month for men like you to get active. For more details see www.sportireland/ypb

About this Event:

Tipperary Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who have come together to roll-out a 4-week physical activity plan for people with a disability.

Keep Well