An impressive National Outdoor Recreational Strategy (2023-2027) was developed to oversee and guide the development and promotion of all aspects of outdoor recreation in the country. A key recommendation was the development of a County Outdoor Recreation Plans (CORP's) for every county.
Tipperary County Council along with multiple local partners including Tipperary Sports Partnership are currently driving the development of a County Outdoor Recreation Plan for Tipperary.
The plan will aim to lead, guide and facilitate the sustainable development and management of outdoor recreation and increased participation, in order to realise social, health and economic benefits. We will do this whilst respecting the custodians of land and water, caring for the environment and promoting responsible recreation.

If you would like to input into a short survey to have your view please click on this link before 5pm, Wednesday, 15th January 2025. It will take no longer than 5 mins to complete.

Please email if you require further details.

Contribute your thoughts /ideas and make a contribution to Tipperary County Outdoor Recreation Strategy.